We Are Home!

Hello family, friends, and fervently loyal super fans!

We are back in Atlanta! We had a wonderful trip and so many great experiences – from high mountains to ancient cities and every form of public transport in between. We have been spent weeks without a shower in depravity, and weeks in luxury and comfort.

In the end we visited 16 countries! In order – United Kingdom, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Norway, Japan, South Korea, and finally Taiwan.

Thank you to each and every one of you who followed along with our travels. So many people left us kind messages of encouragement or shared their own experiences, and we really appreciate all the positive feedback. Jon and I get excited every time we get a message and get reminded someone actually reads our stuff.

As you know, we have a lot of catching up to do on this blog. I just posted about our hike of the Tour Du Mont Blanc – but that was way back in July! But rest easy because more posts are coming and we eventually plan to record our entire trip here on the blog. At least we don’t have to type on our tiny phone screens anymore.

To all of our friends and family in the States – we look forward to seeing you again soon if we haven’t already. To all of our new friends around the world – we hope we can see you again soon, and remind you that our guest bedroom in Atlanta is always open.

Our sincere thanks again,

Jon and Aaron

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